Children's Circle and Youth

Hope Mennonite joyfully welcomes Children and Youth!

We offer Children’s Circle and Youth programs about 3 times per month, after the Sunday service (during Adult Education), approx. 11:15 am – 12:00 pm. During warmer weather we sometimes meet outdoors at a nearby park, otherwise classes meet in Thomson.

Please contact the office for more information.

For our 2024-2025 program year our theme is “Encountering God: Then and Now.” The program approaches this theme in two ways: 

  1. through curriculum based lessons that are working through the Old Testament (encountering God then), 
  2. and by learning about our West Broadway Neighbours through our Activity Days (encountering God now) that happen once a month. 



Children's Circle 

Children’s Singing: On the Sundays we have indoor Children’s Circle a few of Hope’s talented musicians will lead the children aged 2 – 12 in Children’s Singing Time for about 15 minutes; 11:15 – 11:30 am.

Children's Circle for Children aged 2-5: We ask that at least one parent/guardian per household please attend. Children have a snack, hear a Bible story with Godly Play curriculum, and do an activity or craft that connects to the story.

Children's Circle for Children aged 6-11: We are using Meredith Miller’s Great Big Bible Walkthrough Curriculum in both Elementary classes. Our Early Elementary class is for children in grades 1-3 and our Later Elementary class is for children in grades 4-6. Parents are welcome but not required to attend as we have two screened adult volunteers present in each class. 



Children’s Circle Outdoors

When we meet outdoors, children aged 0 – 12 meet, along with at least one parent or guardian per household. Families hear a story inspired by the Wild Church movement, and have a chance to explore and reflect.

Youth Circle 

Youth Circle for Youth ages 12-18: We are using Meredith Miller’s Great Big Bible Walkthrough Curriculum for the youth class which is for youth in grades 7-12. Two screened adult volunteers are present in the class to teach and help guide intentional faith conversations. 

Activity Days 

Once a month our Children’s Circle and Youth Circle classes meet together as one big group to encounter God by learning about our West Broadway Neighbours. The activities are specifically designed to help Hope’s children and youth learn about social justice by learning how the organizations in our neighbourhood are working to solve needs in the community.