Children's Circle and Youth
Hope Mennonite joyfully welcomes Children and Youth!
We offer Children’s Circle and Youth programs about 3 times per month, after the Sunday service (during Adult Education), approx. 11:15 – 12:00. During warmer weather it will be outdoors at a nearby park, and during the colder months, indoors at Thomson.
Please contact the office for more information.
Children's Circle INDOORS
Children’s Singing: On the Sundays we have indoor Children’s Circle a few of Hope’s talented musicians will lead the children aged 2 – 12 in Children’s Singing Time for about 20 minutes; 11:15 – 11:35.
Children's Circle for Children aged 2-5: At least one parent/guardian per child or sibling set, please attend. Children have a snack, hear a Bible story with Godly Play curriculum, and do an art or drama or other activity relating to the story.
Children's Circle for Children aged 6-11: We use Shine and Joyful Path curricula, including stories and activities. Parents are welcome but not required to attend.
Children's Circle OUTDOORS:
When we meet outdoors, children aged 0 – 12 meet, along with at least one parent or guardian per child or sibling set. Families hear a story inspired by the Wild Church movement, and have a chance to explore and reflect.