Our Faith
We gather in our common humanity as diverse communities, with unique stories and gifts, to learn from and celebrate each other, holding as common our bond as children of God, and followers of Jesus.

Hope Mennonite Church is a Christian congregation in the Anabaptist tradition, meeting in Winnipeg’s West Broadway neighbourhood. We celebrate the mystery of God’s grace and respond by striving to follow Jesus Christ into a life dedicated to peace with justice.
We at Hope Mennonite are living our Christian Faith by:
-Connecting with God-
-Living and Growing our Anabaptist Identity-
-Connecting Globally-
-Acting Locally-
-Caring for Each Other-

Our Covenant
-To be a worshipping community-
-To be a community of faith-
-To seek and promote God's peace-
-To seek justice through non-violent means-
-To see each member as a minister of the church-
Welcoming Journey: Affirming Church
Hope Mennonite desires to follow Jesus' example of welcoming all people to God's table. In our context, this includes the full inclusion of welcoming the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and affirming their full participation in the life of our church.
Learn More about Hope's Welcoming Journey: 2SLGBTQIA+ Full Inclusion

What is a Mennonite?
The Mennonite church arose during the time of the Reformation in Europe, in the 16th century. They were known as the Radical Reformers, and were often persecuted for their culture-threatening beliefs, which defied the state-connected churches which dominated the landscape. These beliefs included following Jesus in every day life; approaching the whole of Scripture in light of the life and teachings of Jesus; and practicing non-violence and refusing to participate in war. These early Anabaptists (meaning re-baptizers, because of their belief in adult baptism) strove to be a distinct community, set apart from the power and privilege of the state and the state-aligned church.
In more recent times, Anabaptists have reclaimed that name, and are found around the world, celebrating their commitment to Jesus and his way in many languages, and through many cultures. We share these common commitments with Mennonite World Conference.
More information can be found at:
Mennonite Church Canada- Confession of Faith
Third Way
CommonWord: What Makes a Mennonite
Canadian Mennonite: 10 Things to Know About Mennonites in Canada
For some fun check out: The Daily Bonnet: Your Trusted Source for Mennonite Satire
More Fun: That Mennonite Joke